JULIET: A Revenge Comedy
Venue 14 – Kings Head Pub
Thu July 18 6pm
Fri July 19 10pm
Sat July 20 6pm
Sun July 21 6pm
Mon July 22 8pm
Wed July 24 6pm
Thu July 25 6pm
Fri July 26 8pm
Sat July 27 10pm
Sun July 28 2pm
“The interactions between Pokoradi and Mackie veer between classic Shakespeare and saucy modern-day dialogue, keeping audiences in stitches from beginning to end of the 60-minute production. The taut writing, sparse props and sound effects are bolstered by fantastic performances, which serve to ratchet up the laughs from start to finish.” - Winnipeg Free Press (4.5 Stars)
TICKETS: http://www.winnipegfringe.com/performer-detail.aspx?kw=Monster+Theatre
Venue – La Cite Auditorium
Dates/Times TBD
Pippa Mackie as ‘Juliet’
Carly Pokoradi and Pippa Mackie (photo Pink Monkey Studios)
Carly plays 12 characters in Juliet: A Revenge Comedy